Bring Your Own Number
Wednesday November 13th 7 pm
Roberto Mochetti
BYON (or Bring Your Own Number) is an audiovisual piece with 1,000,001 movements.
You can submit your number to be feature in the BYON YouTube channel or in the Yes We Cannibal concert through the following link:
Little by little, these movements are being discovered, and whoever discovers a movement has the right to name it. Each movement consists of stereo music and video, both generated by computer code and based only on a numeric input. The music and video are unique for each number, ranging from (and including) 0 to 1,000,000. Yet, despite the seemingly random nature of the process, the sounds and visuals are not entirely chaotic. Through careful planning, coherence emerges across the movements, even in the absence of direct human control, making BYON an exploration of compromise with the unknown and an exercise in acceptance. The concert at Yes We Cannibal will mark the first time movements from BYON will be played for a live audience.